Nagu arvata võib, meie ei võtnud kondlit, vaid läksime jala üles, sest:
1) esiteks, me oleme tüüpilised Eestlased ja ei maksa asjade eest, mida meil pole otseselt vaja;
2) teiseks, me arvasime, et jalutada on isegi toredam (polnd viga :-) );
3) kolmandaks, me ei uskunud, et see jalutuskäik nii kaua kestab
A true Estonian is like a Jew - counts money. So, of course we did not take the gondola:
1) Firstly, we are typical Estonians and won't pay for things we do not need
2) We thought walking is even better (was not bad)
3) We did not imagine the hike would take that much time
A true Estonian is like a Jew - counts money. So, of course we did not take the gondola:
1) Firstly, we are typical Estonians and won't pay for things we do not need
2) We thought walking is even better (was not bad)
3) We did not imagine the hike would take that much time
Leia pildilt kaks roomlaste laagrit
Find two roman camps in the picture
Find two roman camps in the picture
Muistsete juutide ujula
An ancient swimming pool
An ancient swimming pool
Surnumere elutu kallas ja sinavad vood
The dead shores of the Dead Sea
The Dead Sea
Haista paska!
Sellepärast Ats kannabki näo ees puhvi, surnud kuuma käes ikka haisevad
The Dead stinks
The Dead stinks
Paradiislikult ilus, aga põrgulehk - väävlihais käib üle pea
Looks like Paradise but smells like in Hell, the sulfur aroma all around
All vasakul on kuumaveeallikas, kus oli hea istuda, nagu vannis
In the left bottom corner there is a hot spring
Inimene harjub kõigega, enam ei ole näo ees puhvi. Kuigi nägu on ikkagi küllaltki krimpsus
Ühe sõnaga, Ardi saaks põrgus hakkama :D
A man gets used to everything. Though the face is still like a dried apple, no scarf is covering the nose anymore. So, Ardi would get along in Hell
Alligaatoritele meeldib ulpida
An inside joke!But in reality, more like an onside joke as it was not possible to really stay in this water, it was more like siting on it.
seda ulpimist oleks ise ka tore proovida :)