Sunday, June 7, 2015

Our Trip

Eventually I proudly present the first set of the photo material from our HoliDays to the Holy Land

 Our trip was planned this way: there was a button and the suit was sewn around it. Here is the button - Ro-e.
As Hebrew does have its own alphabet and there is no right way to put it into Latin one it gives a person free hands to use his creativity. Guess how to pronounce the name :-)

Good tucker


That tree was in the way so we lifted it aside

Ardi witnesses the Arab Spring

Walking for hours
Picking all of the flowers
The Spring got worn out
to bring chaos about

A beetle in the bloom

I am very proud of my good little camera as this photo was shot from the car through the window class and zoomed in desperately


With those two pictures of the same spot at the megaliths I recollect the Tibetan proverb:
The man says: "Time passes!"
The time says: "A man passed!"

Is that the altar for Adonai or Baal?
Thinks the religion interested heathen

Another friend and another Hebrew name - Hili
Guess where we are. Not in a tent :D

The desert fox in his red coat
The green which can be seen is the vegetation in a hallow where water gathers and some dampness persists

The mountain goat on the top of the desert

Spring in the desert does bring flowers

Red desert flowers. Many coluors, many blossoms.

It is spring - the desert is REALLY green :-D

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