Monday, June 9, 2014

Sri Lanka's Nature

Tamil Nature

A baobab in Mannar. The significant object of nature, history and ethnography. Muslim legacy.

Roy's cows and palmyra trees in Mannar's mainland. The cows like of documentaries of Africa not the cows we have got here in cold and rainy Estonia.
The desert cows

A palmyra tree in Keeri beach

Sweet toddy in Keeri Beach in the tree. Nagu kasemahl, ainult et õite magus ja niidab nagu õlle

Desert bushland

Tea Plantation Tamil Nature

Tea plantation workers are all Tamils, though Indian Tamils - 150 hundred years ago brought in by the English Empire. Divide et impera.

Tee õis. Nii tore, et ma selle ära nägin :-)

Voila... See ongi tee :-)
Must ja valge ja roheline - ALL THE SAME. Mul tuleb see anekdoot meelde:
Ameerikas sõidavad bussis valged ja mustad ja siis läheb mingiks sõnelemiseks omavahel ja pinge kasvab ja lärm kasvab ja bussijuhil viskab ka üle lõpuks. Peatab bussi kinni kamandab kõik välja ja peab siis sütitava loengu inimlikkusest ja võrdsest kohtlemisest ja räägib: "Mis kuradi mustad ja valged - mõelge, et te olete kõik ühed rohelised!". Sõnum jõuab kohale, pinge leevendub, muutub võimalikuks taas teed jätkata. "Ja nüüd kõik bussi, helerohelised ette ja tumerohelised taha!"

Muide Jeesus ütles ka: "Mina olen tee..."

Eucalyptus tree in a tea plantation.

Eucalyptus forest. Really was like in Aussie. The real delight of recognition.

Long needle pine tree forest. A half delight of recognition. The needles are half too long to be Estonian pine.

What was before the Brits, their pines, eucalyptuses and the tea in the hills?
Sinharaja UNESCO World Heritage Site is the country's last area of viable primary tropical rainforest. 

Macros of the plantation

The worlds in dew drops

Ei ole kuuseoksad, taustal on samblaoksad.

Some fascinating plants in a strange setup :-)

Nagu võilill

Sinhalese Nature

Agricultural land



Evening at the road

The lonesome boatman

The lonesome palmyra tree at the same lake

The most amazing grass :-)

The tree in the ruins

(Rain)forest in the city center park in Kandy

Wild Landscapes in Horton Plains

The delight of re-encounter. The fern trees I liked so much in Australia.

A great variety of landscapes they have there in Horton Plains

By the way the deer from some previous post was shot here in this landscape


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