Friday, June 10, 2016


Dubai is a bit of the land of the stupid. Everything is grandiose or kitsch or both. At the same time the country is really neat, clean and modern. An even kitsch has some charm in it.

Dubai on kergelt lollidemaa. Kõik on grandioosne või kitš või mõlemat. Samas on riik väga puhas, korras ja modernne. Isegi kitšil on oma šarm.

Wolksvagen - Das Auto

What building is this?
Mis majaga on tegu?

The pearl of the Islamic architecture
Islami arhitektuuri pärl

More famous buildings
Veel kuulsaid ehitisi

 Do you know what is in common with the Russian world and the Islamic world?
Both were ruled by the Mongols and that influence has strongly shaped the contemporary society

Mis on ühist Venemaal ja Araabiamaal?
Mõlemad olid mongolite võimu all ja see kogemus on tugevasti kujundanud ka kaasaegset ühiskonda

The highest building in the world, the original locates of course in Dubai as well
Maailma kõrgeim hoone, originaal asub muidugi ka Duabais

Spring is the time of blooms
Kevad on õite aeg

Spring is the time of birds
Kevad on lindude aeg

Autumn is the time of mushrooms
Sügis on seenaeg

Madre tierra

Even though the UAE is a desert country water is no problem there
Kuigi UAE on kõrberiik, pole vesi mingi probleem

Apelsinil oli ka selline lugu - "Jambalaya"
Orange house