Sunday, July 20, 2014


Summer City


Another graffiti

A Walk on the Wild Side of Tartu

Flood plains of Emajõgi (Mother of Rivers) at my place

Another fellow is taking a walk

Taking a flight

Some flower

Takjas - burdock

The same hay - sama oks - sama mets

Who is behind the bloom - another walker

Jalaka lehe küünal - a candle on elm leaf

Grandmother's Garden

All different kind of crops there ready to be harvested


Black currant (a lonely one)

Red currant

Poppy :-D

Friday, July 11, 2014

Jonna in Tatru and Tõrva

 Ardi and his little mate Jonna

 Tänu jahedale ilmale sai supeldud vaid siseveekogudes

 Bog highway


 Water makes the landscape

Another wetland


The Ruins of Helme Order Castle

The memory of German order brothers who once liberated the land for the holy cross and the holy lady Mary through the holy crusade against Eastern pagans

The memory of Soviet Red army soldiers who once liberated the land for the holy ideas of the Holy Trinity (Marx-Engels-Lenin) and the father of all nations - comrade Stalin - in Russian holy Great Patriotic War against Western fascists

Small fresh red cones in spruce tree in early summer - the memory of the circular nature of the Nature and the whole world itself

Sandstone caves

Vanamõisa Lake

 On the water

 In the water

 Above the water

 Vanaisa mälestuseks


Many layers of street arts.
Kunstnike kollektiivse töö tulemusena sünnib kõigile arusaadav elufilosoofiline taies:
Kui küünitad vaid eurode järele, siis lõpuks pihku jääb huiat

Tartu - heade mõtete linn